Warranty conditions for Aman Filter products
In order to improve the level of customer satisfaction, all Aman Filter products are under the warranty of Aman Filter Company; Therefore, in order to provide timely and appropriate Aman Filter guarantee services, please observe the following:
In case of a problem, first inform the support expert or Aman filter sales agent for a personal visit.
Important note: do not open the filter from the car until the representative or sales agent is present.
The representative of the company takes action to complete the documents regarding the recording of photos and videos from the filter installed on the car.
Open the filter in the presence of the representative or sales agent of the company and send it to the Aman filter laboratory for testing along with the relevant form.
Minutes of the meeting are prepared in two copies according to the results obtained from the physical visit and technical test with the signatures of the parties.
Various technical tests are carried out to ensure the performance of the filter and the results are announced in writing.
Note: If the filter is defective, the company will compensate for the damages, and if the filter is healthy, the cost of sending an expert will be charged.
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